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McNett Silicone Grease is specially formulated to permeate rubber surfaces to provide deep, long-lasting conditioning and lubrication. Use on O-rings in your dive gear, cameras and headlamps. Also helps provide a better seal against water and dust.

  • 100% food-grade silicone permeates the surface of materials to prevent oxidation and extend the life of products.
  • Some users report great success using the grease to condition and preserve latex drysuit and dry top gaskets.
  • Ideal for breathing apparatus, BCDs, hoses, cylinder O-rings, pressure systems, cameras, waterproof flashlights, medical equipment, electrical connectors, pipe fittings and anywhere resistance to moisture and degradation is desired.
  • Comes in handy snap-top container; a little bit goes a long way.


  • Confluence Kayak & Ski
  • 2301 7th St.
    Denver, Colorado 80211.
  • (303) 433-3676
  • Store Hours:
    Monday - Friday10-7 
    Saturday 10-6 
    Sunday 12-5