New for 2021! The second edition is updated to reflect a constantly changing river environmnet.
River Maps Guide to the Colorado & Green Rivers in the Canyonlands of Utah & Colorado, covers the Colorado River from Ruby Horsethief and the whitewater of Westwater canyons, all the way past the Moab Daily, past the confluence and through Cataract Canyon. The guide also covers the stretch from Green River, Utah, through Labyrinth and Stillwater canyons to the confluence with the Colorado. This guide contains lots of useful information about rapids, where to scout the rapids if scouting is indicated, campsites, historical and geological information, hiking beta, great color photographs and the 7.5 minute USGS quad-maps "going-with-the-flow" from the bottom of the page to the top to help you orientate yourself on your next trip through Canyonlands by river.
River Maps spiral-bound guide books are offset-printed on plastic pages. The covers are plastic card stock. The entire books are waterproof and tear-resistant (but not indestructible!). Guide books include mile-by-mile descriptions of campsites, rapids, and points of interest and include many photographs.